In partnership with the Center for Healthy Churches, the Moench Center for Church Leadership offers the S.T.E.P. (Strategic Transition Education Program) training for ministers seeking to gain new skills in transition ministry and judicatory officials who recognize the importance of transition ministry in their region.
This training is based on the principles developed by Russell Crabtree in Transition Apparitions: Why Much of What We Know about Pastoral Transitions Is Wrong. Crabtree uses an evidence-based approach that shows a one-size-fits-all approach ignores the uniqueness of each congregation. While many programs for transition ministry offer approaches focused on addressing grief or conflict resolution this approach to transitional leadership offers practical insights based upon systems theory, anxiety resolution, and offers follow-up coaching for participants.
Completion of this program will increase your confidence in serving churches in transition and assisting them as they move into the next chapter of their life.
Our next S.T.E.P. training is scheduled for May 24-27, 2021 at Belmont University.
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in participating in one of our upcoming S.T.E.P. events.
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in participating in one of our upcoming S.T.E.P. events.