Judy Skeen – Spiritual Director
Judy Skeen has been teaching at Belmont for 22 years. She enjoys the challenge of classrooms where students come from different backgrounds and with different expectations. Every class is a new experience and as our world changes the challenges of teaching a vibrant understanding of humans as spiritual beings increase. She has taught a variety of courses from biblical studies to environmental stewardship, with her current focus being spiritual formation and contemplative living.
Joining the life of the mind and the life of the soul have been a lifelong adventure for her and she brings that desire for living more fully, more deeply from wisdom that is both ancient and contemporary to each of her roles; as teacher, as minister, as spiritual director, as retreat facilitator and as communicator with horses and the humans who work with them.
Prior to teaching religion, she served churches in a number of capacities and continues to work to integrate the human experience: heart, mind, body, and soul. She completed the Haden Institute training program in Spiritual Direction as well as being a facilitator of Circle of Trust ™ work, prepared by the Center for Courage and Renewal, founded by Parker J. Palmer. Her graduate work includes two masters degrees with focus on Pastoral Care (M.Div. and M.A) and her Ph.D. work was in New Testament studies.
In her work as a spiritual director her operative image is as a midwife to assist in seeing and understanding what God is bringing to life in each person.